What We Do

Team in a conference room collaboration on direct, small business loans.

Your business is as unique as you are. You found a niche in the marketplace, one that made sense based on your skillsets and your passions. But it’s not like every other electronics store, sushi joint, or wellness facility. It’s your creation, and you want to do what takes to see it survive and thrive.

We want the same thing. That’s why, at Velvet Funding, we’re proud to help small business owners get the funding they need to expand, renovate, and make their business dream a reality.

Request Funds

We specialize in “No Hassle”.

When you apply for funding from a bank, it’s common for the process to take 30 to 60 days. And if your credit is not in great shape, the process can take months—and that’s assuming you’re not immediately denied.

As a company specializing in direct funding, there are no application fees and no upfront costs. Instead, the process can be done entirely within a day, and with high rates of approval, credit issues don’t have to be a barrier to success.

Ready to get started?

Contact us online or by phone today.

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